PP 16, 17, 18, 19
Exercises 16 and 18 weren’t too bad, but I definitely found 17 and 19 to be challenging. The python-related tasks in these exercises (using requests and BeautifulSoup to scrape a webpage) weren’t too bad, but I found working with the HTML tags and handling exceptions to be difficult. I sort of limped my way through these two exercises, so I plan to come back and re-try them when I’ve had some more practice.
In terms of the exceptions I mentioned above: Unicode seems to cause frequent problems for me. I have learned to use .encode(‘utf-8’) to solve some of these problems, but so far it has been an imperfect solution.
I’m looking forward to the next few exercises, which seem a bit simpler, and will plan to revisit these 2x on a weekend when I have more time to dive into the basics of HTML and CSS.